But where has Britney Spears gone? Her Instagram account has mysteriously disappeared

Britney Spears has accustomed us to give daily news of her on social networks and more precisely on Instagram. And if her last publications were sometimes tendentious (naked on the beach, close-up of her chest, wobbly sports sessions), fans (or mockers?) remain particularly fond of the adventures of the singer.
Yes, but since March 16, no more Instagram account for Britney Spears. An event that alerts fans (and 39 million followers) who were not warned of this deletion and re-launched the hastag #freebritneu. Last September, she had suspended her account but had announced it before.
This time, is Britney Spears behind this deactivation, does she need an internet break, has she been censored or perhaps hacked? The versions differ. Shortly before the deletion of the account, the singer had made a publication where she asked the public never to feel sorry for her. I don't want to be loved... I want to be feared!!! Being loved and kind made me take advantage of me... so take pity and fuck off, she had written.
According to TMZ, it wasn't Instagram that deactivated Britney's account, which means she - or someone close to her - is surely responsible for her disappearance. A source told Us Weekly that the singer chose to deactivate her own Instagram, while another source told Entertainment Tonight that she world take a well-deserved break like many celebrities do, it's really that.