Game of Thrones actress files suit against Marilyn Manson for rape and sadistic abuse

The British actress Esmé Bianco, known to the general public for her role in Game of Thrones, filed a complaint Friday against the American singer Marilyn Manson, accusing him of rape, sadistic sexual abuse and repeated violence. Several women, including the actress Evan Rachel Wood, have recently accused the singer, Brian Warner of his real name, of harassment and rape. The latter had denied these allegations, ensuring that his intimate relations (had) always been entirely consensual.


According to the complaint filed with a court of California, Esmé Bianco had been twice invited in Los Angeles by Marilyn Manson in the perspective of a job. But she says that instead she was subjected to acts of sexual violence, claiming in particular to have been slashed, whipped and electrocuted by the singer.



Mr. Warner raped Ms. Bianco in or around May 2011, the complaint states. Mr. Warner committed sexual acts on Ms. Bianco while she was unconscious or incapable of giving consent and also committed sexual assault on Ms. Bianco on multiple occasions.


Solicited by the AFP, neither Marilyn Manson nor his former manager Tony Ciulla -sought by the complaint as accomplice- had reacted Friday.


The singer's lawyer, Howard King, told the celebrity website TMZ that Esmé Bianco's accusations were probably false and promised to firmly contest them in court


Last February, the Los Angeles Police Department had announced that it was investigating accusations of domestic violence against the singer, relating to acts committed between 2009 and 2011, although without revealing the identity of the victim or victims. The dates and location coincide with the accusations of Esmé Bianco.


The 38-year-old actress, who was a fan of Marilyn Manson as a teenager, appeared in fourteen episodes of the Game of Thrones series between 2011 and 2013 as a prostitute named Ros.


Esmé Bianco explained Friday on social networks that she spoke publicly to prevent Manson from destroying other lives and contribute to the fact that other victims can also demand their share of justice.


The young woman says she first visited the singer in 2009 in Los Angeles, for the filming of what she thought was a video. But for four days, she had been forced to remain in underwear, deprived of sleep and drugged before being physically beaten by Mr. Warne, including with a whip that would have been according to him used by the Nazis.


Later in 2009, Marilyn Manson had visited him in London and they would then have started a consensual relationship, says the complaint.


In 2011, the actress had moved to Los Angeles, where she thought she would star in a feature film with Marilyn Manson. She assures that she spent two and a half months having suffered "constant abuse" and visa blackmail led by the singer.

  • Esmé Bianco
  • Marilyn Manson