Several explosions sounded in Kiev last night, residents take refuge in the metro stations

Several explosions were heard on Wednesday night in the Ukrainian capital Kiev. According to the Ukrainian news agency Unian, an air alarm was also triggered.
Residents were urged to take shelter immediately, with many gathering in the subway stations.
Video images shared on social networks show powerful explosions, but there is no confirmation at this stage of an air attack or of the intended targets.
Ukrainian media also report fighting outside the city. In addition, a Russian plane has been shot down, but all this information is still unverifiable.
On Wednesday evening, at least one person was injured by a projectile in the vicinity of a train station in Kiev, according to the city's authorities.
It is estimated that 15,000 people have taken refuge in the capital's metro stations to escape Russian air strikes, the BBC reports. Food, drinking water and sanitary facilities are available there.
According to the network's director, Viktor Brahinski, quoted by the British media, the infrastructure can accommodate up to 100,000 people. Many people have nowhere to go. Their home is now a cover a few meters underground. We invite everyone to bring warm clothes, he said.